Showing posts with label BizTalk map. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BizTalk map. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How BizTalk Maps Work by Sandro

Dear BizTalkers,
As I was researching more for my BizTalk mapping post

I came across very interesting posts (three part series) by Sandro Pereira (Always pleasure to read his work)

As of now only two of them has been published by him, so I will keep you updated whenever third part comes out.

How BizTalk Maps Work – Processing model (Part 1)
How BizTalk Maps Work – Deconstructing a map (Part 2)
How BizTalk Maps Work – The sequence of links (Part 3) (coming soon) :)

I went through the posts and trust me they are worth the time... so do yourself a favor and read it

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